New Web Page Released
Starting the journey of developing my new personal website (again)
New Site
The new site is hosted through GitHub Pages. The site uses GitHub Actions as it’s CI/CD pipeline and the site is built on the static site generator Jekyll which is written in Ruby.
As I am also learning to code on C#, there might be some future ideas to make a Web App using ASP.NET Core Blazor.
I changed the site theme to Chirpy.
At first, I launched the site using the minima theme, but decided to change to Chirpy as it had more features built in, from which I could learn from. I forked the Chirpy-repository and plan to modify my site from there. Chirpy also offers an easier starter option if you only plan to do minor modifications, making future upgrades easier.
Custom Domain
Personalized domain is definitely a good idea to have when talking about personal sites. I bought the domain from Cloudflare as their pricing was competitive and the yearly cost does not increase in the future. Cloudflare offers easy administration and variety of data-analytics dashboards.
Free plan of Cloudflare offers your website free SSL-certificate, CDN (Content Delivery Network), DDoS-mitigation, fast DNS-resolver and other security features.
What’s It For
The site acts as an online resume and a blog. I will publish blog posts about my personal projects. This is mainly for myself to concisely document different projects I am working on and what are the potential findings from any research I have conducted towards the topic.
This site is a personal web-page to showcase my projects and skills. The blog posts are written so that interested readers can learn something new